Can other stocks help bring insight?
Take a look at the charts below.
They both look awfully similar right?
The charts mirror each other,
and have upcoming important dates:
$FMCI - Forum Merger II.
A holding company for Tattooed Chef,
a plant based food company that could reach Beyond Meat's stock price.
**Tattooed Chef was set to merge on Sept. 28th, however, on Sept. 24th at 8:30am EST shareholders will be asked to vote on an extension to compete the merger on October 30th.**
$SHLL - Tortoise Acquisitions
The holding company for Hyliion,
an electric/hydrogen vehicle company that specializes in Class 8 truck PowerTrains.
"As investors decide when to sell or buy Hyliion ($SHLL), encourages shareholders to keep a close eye on Tattooed Chef ($FMCI). Both companies could easily foreshadow whats to come. -Alan Dowden
In this new reverse-merger world the stock market lives in, it is a good idea to pay close attention to how other holding companies react. believes this information can be useful to those who are not sure when to invest and/or sell.
-Alan Dowden