Miami-Dade County purchases Forty Two Electric Buses, Nineteen Megawatts of #batterystorage, Seventy Five Charging Stations with Nine Megawatts of #evcharging Power!

MIAMI-DADE, Fl, The purchase of forty two ZX5+ e-Buses from Proterra will be added to the current thirty three e-bus fleet. In this historic order, Proterra, an electric battery and charging manufacturer will be supplying Miami-Dade nineteen megawatts of battery storage and over nine megawatts of EV charging.
42 - ZX5+ Electric Buses
The ZX5+ is an industry leader with a range capability of 329 Miles per Charge. The first of the 42 buses will be delivered in 2022. Miami-Dade will have a total of 75 electric public transit buses, making it one of the largest in the country.

EV Charging
Miami-Dade will now have seventy five 120kw charging stations located at 3 different bus depots. Nine megawatts of EV Charging Power will make it one of the largest fleet charging installations in the United States.

Nineteen Megawatts of Energy Storage

A 1.5 Megawatt energy storage system can charge up to 40 vehicles in a single charging cycle. 20 simultaneously and then automatically switching to the next 20 in line.
Customers + Partnerships
Proterra already has over 600 buses in use today in the United States and Canada. With over 60 customers including city transit, airports, universities and national parks, Proterra will receive more historic purchases. This is just the beginning.

Editor in Chief Statement
Proterra has been called the TESLA of Electric Buses, and for good reason. Manufacturers of electric batteries, EV charging and electric buses, Proterra already owns 50% of all the Electric Buses in the United States. This is just the beginning, remember, the infrastructure bill hasn't been passed yet.
DISCLAIMER: 2,000 Shares at $16.50 Average.
This is not investment advice.
Alan Dowden